Since 2017, Sabine Mirlesse’s unique process of making photographs through stone developed out of her research making Pietra di Luce. Inspired initially by her supposition that Dante’s Divine Comedy was geologically based on the great quarries of the Apuan Mountains in Northern Italy, and the journey throught he depths of the earth only to find an aperture of light, the work has since evolved into ongoing research fusing reflections on what John Mcphee called deep geological time and Gaston Bachelard’s poetic proposal that in the deepest part of the cave we see most clearly. Light passes through selected and cut metamorphic and sedimentary rock and leaves it’s imprint on light sensitive silver papers through the careful calibration of color densities in the darkroom.

The Cave is an Eye no. 7, 8, & 9, 2024
The Cave is an Eye no. 5, 2021